Thursday, September 29, 2005

so tired

haiz.. so tired leh... slept like only 3 hours then cannot sleep liao.. then back to work at night... so im suffering for it now.. haiz... so sleepy.... at least another 3 days of night shift...... i like night shift.. but im just so tired now..


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

lim peh on night shift liao..

yay.. lim peh on night shift liao.. now working la.. and it ot... well.. tomoro also..before starting my own shift on thurs night... oh well..

had makan already.. cos 1015pm got bus out to masiling.. so we went out at that time to eat 1st.. now feeling about wierd cos its like it makan time but im blogging.. heh heh..

nothing much to write now one to suan... no one to scold... used to have so many pple to scold.. and the bitch to blog about.. but now i don even think about her.. just tat now do abit of reflectiing... and think... wah... nowadays less angry.. more stress more work though... butnow night shift le.. yay... go for one meeting and can go home liao... oh well.. plus direct boss on leave.. til like fri.. and he kept quiet.. nice..

well.. hopefully things turn out for the better soon....

Monday, September 26, 2005

nicelegs at home.. nothing to do..

ok.. fuck blogger... cos this time.. is my turn to get it.. finished my entry and blogger fucking ask me to retype my password and then everything was gone when i came back.. cb.... and i thought such things only happen to xiaxue or sassyjan...

ok.. retype.. sian.. well.. went to JB last fri.. some money.. all my RM gone.. have to go sign card somemore.. oh well... bought 2 t shirts and one board shorts for myself.... and one t shirt for mrs nicelegs....

see the photo... on the MRT to kranji station to take 170 into JB.. never drive... well.. mambo bag....$55.. bought at sale.... Muji slippers... $9... bought while waiting for mrs nicelegs..... well groomed leg hair... priceless....

ok next pic... i cannot be bothered to write too much liao.. cos the original post got deleted.. knn.. intended to get ah boon his 1st bikini cos well.. we all know he is known as tua neh... his boobs are quite big... and im sure he would put certain gals to shame.. and oh.. tats mrs nicelegs holding up the bikini... remember.. you saw it 1st on

another bag i thought of getting until the sales gal told me its for gals..

vainpot.. nuff said...

ok to something more interesting than the previous photo... oktoberfest is here....well.. erdinger got value pack... i saw at IMM giant faster buy... 4 bottles of erdinger and one original beer glass (the kind you see in walas) at only under 27 bucks.. well.. i have 2 of the erdinger glasses now.. i also have 2 hoegarrden glasses... heh heh..

oh and lastly.. my pint of erdinger... heh heh.. cheers...

Friday, September 23, 2005

lim peh on leave

yay.. lim peh is on leave.. song ah... knn.. at last a break.. tomoro going back to work though...

well.. as i have mention before.. the last 2 weeks have been abit short of being labelled as hell... the last 2 days were more settled.... the bloody wip has cleared out of my module.. knn.. so abit more relaz... big boss also in a better mood.. although my direct boss tried to play my backside... sabo me go up and present some data which i never really see before... so there... heng never get screwed... haiz.. sian.. even with my vast experience and intelligence in office politics and protecting my backside... when its your boss that is trying to anal you.. its really hard to get an orgasm... really.. .

ok .. .so i have set myself a saving plan.. not the insurance and finanical planning kind.. but the "lim peh and my own account" kind.. have to save and save.. cos i think rainy days are coming.... well... i have to build up enough buffer before i can just slap slap backside and say bb... regreted not saving any the last 6 months... wat the hell was i thinking.. knn.. ccb...

well.. im going into malaysia later.. .alone ok... but i big big male.. so not scare... later got specialist come and pick me up at customs.. bring me around.. not from my shift la.. so i not their boss.. so ok la.. i don really want to be too close to my own specialists.. cos it creates the frenship thing that makes ordering them around abit harder...

anyway.. on leave... its a good feeling.. though my leave entitlement only got 4 more days.. take another day's leave on my birthday... oct 27th... the left 3 days... hmm... but then.. if im going to do wat i want to do.. then i don have to save my leave too much la... haiz.. donno next year got money to go diving or not.... sian... and oh ya.. EH.. MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING.... OCT 27TH.. I ACCEPTS CHEQUES AND CASH... THANKS... my frens and those who don want to be beaten up by me have better show some gesture.. *shakes fist violently in the air*... and oh.. VAINPOT... if you are reading this.. im going to see wat you are getting for me before i get you the bag.. or not.. muahah.. (tats to ensure she doesnt give me something stupid or revolting like a photo of herself).....

ok... better go prepare to go out.. need to shit... shitting alot this few days.. must be becos my boss play my backside and make my ass hole loose liao.. oh siao.. my ass not virgin liao... all becos of my boss.... knnbccb....

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

i have lost me in the process of working

have been a long while since i blog.. i think my frens think i don blog anymore.. truth is.. im so bz tat i don have the time and energy to blog..... work is taking over my life.. more like ot is...

well.. ot has began.. to date.. worked 3 days liao.. maybe not too much la.. but its actually like 36 hours ot liao... and the days i went back to ot are not like last time.. not relaz liao.. knn.. cos ganna fuck and fuck til my backside raw liao.. cheebye... damn too lan..

last time at least i got alot of off days.. work 4 days.. rest 4 days.. then work 3 days.. rest 3 days.. so at least ganna fuck liao.. can go off and recover... now.. ganna fuck consecutively for a week isnt fun.. and its more fucking sian.. best part is when your boss doesnt really help you in meetings and stabs you in the back.... saying everything is your fault... when it isnt... taiji at its best... and since its my boss.. i cant taiji back.. cb...

well.. i have been closed to resigning many times this month.. sometimes i just want to throw letter and leave.. but at the moment cannot.. cb.. cos got study loans to pay... and bills to pay....and i still have to enough savings so tat i don stave.... well.. staving might be good for my figure though... but well.. im glad i didnt like go buy a car when i started this job cos i would be pulled down financially.... tat means.. i cannot leave my job when i feel like it... and you and i know that this kind of feeling sucks big time... so at the moment.. im still rather commitment free.. save for the study loan...

AWS is coming... tats in dec.. or jan... its a big motivation for staying til early next year... get the AWS.. at least can tahan for longer time... and i really donno where i spend my money leh... haiz.. pay quite high leh.. savings.. so low.. donno why.. spend too much... on wat i also donno.. maybe my frens can tell me.... haiz.. now im embarking on a savings drive... so don blame me for being too stingy... haven been stingy for a long time liao.. so it might come as a shock for my frens.. oh well.. its a matter of survival leh.....

haiz.. im depressed... i hate to go work.. job satisfaction.. none.. its not like you complete some design or something and you see something materialise in front of you and you feel like you are very clever.... my days are spent dodging bullets and fight fires.... and sometimes when they fire missiles are me... its just isnt anything i can do to dodge it... so crash and burn... seriously injured man... well.. my jedi powers are all gone now..... and going over to the dark side isnt any help also... cos i think my sith powers are eroding cos i send too much dark energy fighting fires and being fucked... haiz..

there is one good thing i realise i have going on my side this few months.. and tats mrs nicelegs.. she told me to quit if im really unhappy.. which i readily admit im... and she isnt a spendthift... i just like paid for a 12 bucks top for her and she is contented liao... ah god.. im blessed wit a good galfren... im don have to vomit money to please though i can.. but it isnt prudent cos im really thinking of walking out of this fucking job... mrs nicelegs offered to support me for a few months if im really quiting... well.. i think im not so poor til tat extend la.. just tat i don like the feeling tat i have no money to spend... and everyone knows nicelegs is a money spending machine.. haiz..

ok so.... oh top of everything at work tat sucks.. mind you.. its not just me tat gets it.... i still have mrs nicelegs... and im glad..

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

rantings of a unrested person..

while waiting for ah boon to reach home and call me.. i shall blog abit.. well.. im hungry you see... and i jio him for supper.. he just knock off...

well....had 2 days off... haiz.. this week should have 4 days off.. but 2 days ot.. sian.. hmm... got money la.. but sian.. i rather stay at home and stare at the ceiling... money is impt... esp if you have a study loan to pay like me.. damn cpf.. interest so high.. sian. leh... but i need my rest time... r&r... go out wit mrs nicelegs.. meet some frens.. go play ball.. now all this cannot.. cos must do ot.. sian leh..

so.. i will be working tomoro(wed) to this sun... and maybe beyond.. cos no one can cover next monday and tuesday... and my working days starts on wed!!!....knn.. tat means.. if i were to work the 2 days.. i will be working from tomoro to next sat... how sian is tat??.....then after 2 days rest on sun and monday.. i go back to work on next next tues night.. ot again!!... wah lao.. sian leh... i look at the time i have to go back and i sian like fuck.....

but to comfort myself... looking on the bright side.. i get ot pay.. and its very high.... some companies don evern pay their pple ot pay... just come back for free...haiz.. and now.. GM wants to come to my company liao... interview coming this week... well.. i warned you.. it basically sucks here... but you are being well paid....

i want out....

Sunday, September 11, 2005

working... on a sunday..

yeah.. sian again. working on a sunday... heng double pay.. well.. i have said before tat i don really like working ot.. hmm. at least here la.. cos i think very stress.. and i don like it..

i think my writing juices are drying up.. sian leh.. want to write also donno write wat.. im sick screwing those idiots at work.. im sick of bloggin about me being screwed by other idiots at work.... and im sick of bloggin about wat other idiots from outside work tat i want to screw....haiz.. also donno how..

im basically so busy tat i haven been meeting mrs nicelegs..

see.. tats all.. i think work is killing my motivation to do anything at all..

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

ah well.. tomoro working liao

haiz.. sian.. i think im having pms.. feels like anyway.. im bloated( just had some mooncake).. grumpy( cos tomoro got to work)... heng im not bleeding... kaoz..

ok.. last few days of off days are good... more like its rather mono.... well.. just the way i like it.. nothing much to do.. meet mrs nicelegs at night.. go home sleep and wake up late the next morning.. wah.. i like.. but now at this very moment.. cannot...why?? cos i got to work tomoro...

well.. i still think its stupid.. cos one of the shift at work is vacant.. and tat leads to ot for the other shift.. cos we have to cover.. sian la.. we are damn short handed... i need my rest la... and ot are just so sucky... though they pay well... and now for sat shift want to take leave.. must see sun shift ME free or not.. sian leh.. not free then how??... knn....

ok la.. tired.. bored....sian...